Basics to Coding.
First, I will describe everything in terms of mathematics and proceed into coding.
Some things, you should know are the basic function definitions in mathematics.
This is called a function definition.
f(x,y) : { x + 2 * y }
This itself doesn't do anything, but if you "plug" in values to f(x,y) : { x + 2 * y }, you can think of it as just replacing and substitution.
For example.,
f(1,2) using f(x,y) : { x + 2 * y } -> { 1 + 2 * 2 } = 5
This is quite simple, x is the first parameter and y is the second parameter.
So everywhere you see an x you replace with the first value (in this case it's a 1), and everywhere you see a y you replace with the second value (in this case it's a 2).
Then you just output the value 5.
Therefore, f(1,2) = 5
This is in terms of mathematics. Computer Science handles this a little bit differently, but the main concepts are the exact same.
In coding, you have types for everything. So in the above example, you need types for x, y, and the return of the function. In that case f(1,2) = 5,
5 is the return type.
Mathematics makes this one-dimensional, whereas Computer Science tends to make it more generic. They have types for everything as well. For example, f(1.02,2.03) is valid input in terms of mathematics because there is no strict "type" that is enforced. However, in Computer Science there are "types" and so if x and y were of type int., this would not necessarily be a valid use of the function f.
Therefore, let's look at the description of a function.
return x + 2 * y;
The RETURN_TYPE is the type that is evaluated by the keyword "return" in the code above.
Let's assume we only know the primitive types:
Therefore, RETURN_TYPE and TYPE have to be either one of the primitive types. By the way, primitive type just means basic types.
Therefore, the function could look something like this:
int f(int x, int y)
return x + 2 * y;
Here, f is the function name. The function name could be anything it wanted to be.
Also functions can return no type., meaning the function does not want to return anything, and it cannot return anything. So if the function has no return type, the keyword is actually "void"
void f(int x, int y) { x + 2 * y; return ; }
If you notice clearly, the expression after the keyword "return" is just a semicolon ";" meaning just leave the function.
Any variable that is used within a program needs to have a type.
This means you cannot just have something like this:
x = 5;
if x is not defined somewhere like:
int x; // declaration
int x = 5; // declaration and assignment = initializtion
Also, let me point out there is something called a function definition and a function call.
A function definition is telling you what the function actually does. A function call is when you call a function. That's easy right?
Before you call a function, it has to be defined somewhere. This makes sense to. You can think of it as a car analogy. To start your car, it first has to have an engine. If you try starting your car, and you have no engine, it won't work. So first get your engine setup properly, and then you can start using it.
int functionName( int x, int y )
return x + 2 * y;
There are some differences here. The main difference is that you don't specify the types in the function call. But in the function definition you have to specify *everything* so that's how it makes it clearer. Also, you can think of it as assignments going on.
So a function call works like this:
functionName(1,2); --> go look up the functionName with parameters having values 1 and 2.
So then it finds a match above:
int functionName( int x, int y ) { return x + 2 * y; }
Then it looks and matches the types for the parameters, so it does something like this:
int functionName( int x = 1, int y = 2 ) { return x + 2 * y; }
Meaning, now x has the value 1 and y has the value 2, and so it just goes and does the computation there. So (x=1) + 2 * (y=2) -> 1 + 2 * 2 = 1 + 4 = 5, and then returns the result 5.
so functionName(1,2) holds the value 5.
Here's the tricky part. The entity value of "functionName(1,2)" can be replaced with the value 5, because functionName has the return type of int, so "functionName(1,2)" or the called function of functionName(1,2) has an int type.
What does this mean? It means you can use it anywhere you can use an int.
Let's say we do this.
int z = 3; // we declare z to be an int and assign in the value of 3.
This can happen since z's type is an "int" and the type of 3 is an "int" also.
(3 is an int literal, meaning it's like a constant int. It's universally known.)
Therefore, we know that funcionName(1,2) has return type int.
Therefore, "functionName(1,2)" can be used anywhere an "int" type can.
So, we know that
int z = 3; // z is an int type
z = 4; // we can do this because 4 is an int type as well.
Can we do this?
z = functionName(1,2)
Indeed, because z and functionName(1,2) both have the same type we can assign functionName(1,2) to z.
since functionName(1,2) = 5, it's almost like a replace and subsitutition that takes place.
z = functionName(1,2) is the same as z = 5 (since functionName(1,2) equals 5)
This is just a short example of how functions work. A lot of the material was tedious to get the point across. Also, functions can have no return type, or one return type. But you can have any number of parameters. (no parameters, or many parameters) In our function we only had two (2) parameters - x and y. But you can have as many as you want.
*This is dedicated to a friend -- Q*